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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
News article20 February 2024European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency3 min read

Sshhhh – LIFE projects provide road noise reduction solutions for a quieter Europe

One in five Europeans face harmful nightly sound levels. Road noise reduction solutions from LIFE and other EU projects were discussed at an event hosted by the Commission to promote widespread implementation. 

Noisy roads
© European Union, 2024

Twenty percent of Europeans are exposed to noise levels exceeding 65 dB(A) during the day; the maximum recommended level is 55 dB(A). “Can you imagine a quiet Europe?” asked Manuel Montero Ramirez, CINEA Project Advisor, and Marco Paviotti, DG Environment Policy Officer, at the start of the first Low Noise networking event on 6 February 2024. Five speakers answered this question by presenting how their projects are tackling noise pollution. The panel discussions covered technical challenges of low noise surfaces solutions in urban and non-urban areas, and legislative and policy gaps for their implementation and standardisation. Two LIFE projects were featured at the event: LIFE C-LOW-N ASPHALT and LIFE SILENT showing the added value of the LIFE Programme in this particular field.  

Giulia Custodi, LIFE C-LOW-N ASPHALT project coordinator, shared the final outcomes of the project following its completion in 2022. With its main partner the Paris City Hall, LIFE C-LOW-N ASPHALT formulated three innovative cool and low noise asphalt mixes. The solutions were trialed at three pilot sites in Paris, where 600 metres of new surfacing were laid, and the benefits impacted 1 000 Parisians in these areas. The aim is to reduce temperatures by 2 degrees Celsius, and traffic noise by 3 dB at street level and 2 dB at a building level. The project assessed the thermal changes and acoustic impacts and asked residents for their opinions on the surfaces.  Results showed that 63% of residents said they had noticed a reduction in noise, and acoustics were significantly reduced, especially at night. Acoustic monitoring will be continued on these sites between 2023 and 2028. The project also measured the financial savings of using the three asphalt mixes. If all roads in Paris with 50 km per hour speed limits used these mixes instead of standard mixes, it would save EUR 34 million after five years; and treating the entire Paris road network would save EUR 400 million after five years. 

Patrizia Bellucci, LIFE SILENT project coordinator, explained how newly started LIFE SILENT aims to develop sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to reduce noise pollution from road and rail traffic in complex urban environments. In these areas, it is impractical to install measures such as noise barriers due to space constraints, visual impacts, and air circulation. Other solutions are more suitable, such as sustainable low-noise pavements and low-height noise barriers (LHNB). LIFE SILENT will develop and demonstrate LHNB in a real test environment, to provide data and evidence for transport infrastructure owners and managers. This data will be used to encourage and support the widespread use and adoption of LHNB. Speaking on this, “there is the need to delve deeper into specific technical aspects and to synthesize the experiences gathered so far on the subject. This synthesis would be useful to generate technical specifications valid at the European level, which can then be used to initiate the widespread implementation of source-based solutions,” said Patrizia.  

The Low Noise networking event can be viewed on the LIFE Programme’s YouTube channel. LIFE C-LOW-N ASPHALT and LIFE SILENT align with the EU clean air policy as well as the EU Adaptation Strategy

LIFE Programme has prioritised projects in urban areas to improve noise pollution such as those focusing on new low noise surfaces and/or tyres and low height barriers, with high environmental and economic sustainability.  

LIFE - Calls for proposals 2024 

The LIFE Calls for proposals 2024 are expected to be published on the Funding & tender opportunities portal on 18 April 2024. CINEA will hold virtual information sessions from 23 to 26 April 2024 to guide potential applicants through the LIFE Calls for proposals 2024. See the LIFE YouTube channel for previous recordings.   


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