In the Spanish villages of Bubierca and Codos, in Calatayud, region of Aragon, solar panels decorate roofs, and mounted arrays stand next to olive trees. These are 2 out of the 87 villages in a citizen-lead energy community called CERCA, united in its mission to bring down energy bills and carbon emissions. LIFE JALON is driving this community, and connecting renewables experts, passionate locals, and technical partners including lawyers and solar engineers.
In many rural regions, communities are at risk of being left behind in the energy transition. But not in Calatayud, where the power of the sun shall reach multiple communities. LIFE JALON and CERCA’s solutions are implemented from village level to regional-wide solar provision, . most recently, on the roofs of a winery, a sports centre, and warehouses. CERCA has already delivered 17 PV systems – individual buildings and collective areas - in 14 different villages. The total power from these solar systems is 708.7 kWp – keeping the lights, heating, and electricity on for hundreds of people.
Over the 5-year project, in 87 villages, solar panels will be installed on 500 homes, businesses, and municipalities. 40 ground-mounted solar systems will be erected to supply green clean energy to each village. And regionally, 10 medium PV plants will provide clean and cheap electricity to businesses, which in turn recruit more local employees.
LIFE JALON is demonstrating that, in rural contexts, creating a single regional energy community has advantages over having one energy community in each village such as simpler administrative procedures or cost reductions through bulk purchasing of PV systems.
The project is engaging with many local stakeholders. It has launched an external newsletter, and a LinkedIn account with regular updates. Project members also take part in training sessions and speak at plenary sessions. It plans to involve 5 000 citizens, 40 local authorities and 75 business in Calatayud.
“This energy community process is recent and novel,” said Luis Navarte, LIFE JALON coordinator. “It truly involves the real participation of neighbours, town councils, businesses, industries and associations with the aim of seeking and finding an economic, energetic and environmental future for the region. This future needs everyone's participation.”
JALON aims to mobilise €13 million to invest in PVC energy facilities with a total generation of 23GWh a year and avoiding 3 452 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year. These targets are to be achieved by the end of the project, in April 2026.
Two local communities are at the project’s heart; the Community of the Region of Calatayud represents the institutional authority, and La Devanadera – a women’s association from the village of Torrijo de la Cañada – is driving socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship. Technical expertise is being provided by the Technical University of Madrid for photovoltaics (PV), the University of Zaragoza for the design of energy communities, and legal advice from law firm Holtrop. The partners’ task is to make CERCA a success as well as replicating this model for future regions. Three organisations – CIMAC, and the University of Évora and EURAC from Portugal and Italy respectively – will take the lessons learned home. LIFE JALON’s results are being disseminated and communicated across 6 EU regions, to start their processes quickly and harness the strength of solar power.
LIFE JALON aligns with the Energy Union Strategy; Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy. Addressing the clean energy transition is a key element of the European Green Deal.
- Publication date
- 26 September 2024
- Author
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency