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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 15 January 2025
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

LIFE BECKON: the one-stop-shop for Europe’s local energy communities

LIFE BECKON is creating a stir among local energy communities across Europe with its innovative ‘technical cookbook’ and inclusive approach to citizen engagement. 

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© LIFE21-CET-ENERCOM-LIFE-BECKON - All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions

‘The energy transition is one of the defining challenges of our time, and energy communities have emerged as a key player in driving local, sustainable, and inclusive energy solutions,’ says Iván Aranda, LIFE BECKON project coordinator. ‘But these communities often face significant hurdles including limited technical expertise and lack of collaboration opportunities. That’s where LIFE BECKON steps in.’ 

In its first two years, the €1.8 million project LIFE BECKON has already successfully rolled out a one-stop-shop (OSS) platform and is now testing it with a range of user groups and individuals. The platform integrates three key components: a guidance hub to help up-skill local authorities and others; a training hub complete with ‘technical assistance cookbook’; and an opportunity hub to connect like-minded people and organisations. 

The project has also established a pilot in Ávila, Spain where a model energy community involving a dozen municipalities, public authorities, associations, local action groups and industry professionals is being created. LIFE BECKON is also testing the platform in Copenhagen and Sofia — and beyond those, EU-wide interest in the project has resulted in 16 applications to replicate the platform elsewhere.  

Energy communities enable individuals, non-profits and small businesses to actively participate in Europe’s energy transition while also reaping its economic and social benefits. With a focus on social and environmental well-being rather than profit, they can also help lift vulnerable people out of energy poverty. Estimates from EU initiatives suggest there are more than 2 ,500 energy communities across the EU, involving more than 2 million citizens. 

‘LIFE BECKON is more than just a platform, it’s a catalyst for change,’ explains Iván. ‘We’re equipping local authorities, communities and individuals with the right tools and knowledge. We’re paving the way for a future where energy communities thrive, contribute to Europe’s climate goals and foster social cohesion. LIFE BECKON is set to become a cornerstone of the energy transition.’ 

LIFE BECKON is one of hundreds of LIFE projects contributing to the clean energy transition and the European Green Deal. The project also supports the Revised Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Performance of Building Directive and the Electricity Market Design Directive


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