The tool is cool: instruments and solutions for effective energy and climate planning – EU online roundtable - European Commission Skip to main content
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The tool is cool: instruments and solutions for effective energy and climate planning – EU online roundtable

On 8 February, the IN-PLAN, Regio1st and Prospect+ projects joined forces to hold an online roundtable.

This event emphasised the crucial role of cities in tackling climate change and fostering energy transition. It aimed to provide local and regional authorities with tools to plan and implement energy and climate strategies, with the goal of achieving climate neutrality. 

Two LIFE projects, IN-PLAN and Regio1st, along with a Horizon2020 project, Prospect+, collaborated for an online event in February. This event introduced various tools that can aid local entities in planning more efficiently and accelerating the attainment of climate neutrality in their cities and regions. 

The three main initiatives to be showcased are: 

  1. IN-PLAN: A support structure that helps local and regional authorities implement sustainable energy, climate, and spatial plans. It integrates energy and climate planning with spatial planning and ensures commitment at all political levels. 

  1. Regio1st: A Planning Framework that offers a comprehensive approach for regional energy planners in Europe to develop and implement sustainable, cost-effective energy strategies. It prioritises energy savings in buildings, system flexibilities, and other energy efficiency solutions. 

  1. PROSPECT+: Tools under development to support cities and regions in financing and implementing their sustainable energy and climate plans (SECAPs) or similar with a capacity-building programme based on peer-to-peer learning. 

The event fostered discussion between stakeholders from different levels of governance and aims to increase the rate of implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, including energy efficiency measures. 

The full agenda is available here.

  • energy transition
  • Thursday 8 February 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 (CET)
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Thursday 8 February 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 (CET)
