Smart Readiness Indicator joint event - European Commission
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Smart Readiness Indicator joint event

On 7 March, the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) joint event was co-hosted by CINEA, the Smart Square project, and LIFE projects from the LIFE CET SRI Cluster.


The Smart Readiness joint event offered a great opportunity for key stakeholders to convene and discuss best practices in the context of the smart preparedness of European buildings. The event included the SRI Platform 4th Plenary Meeting, organised by CINEA, and an SRI Day showcasing Expert Talks and Panel Discussions on SRI streamlining and detailed assessment. Throughout the day, attendees could explore an exhibition highlighting SRI projects funded by the LIFE and Horizon programmes. 

Participants included relevant stakeholders, such as building professionals, asset managers, regulators, and assessors, as well as representatives from EU countries and the European Commission. 

The event was a collaborative effort organised by CINEA, the Smart Square project and LIFE projects from the LIFE CET SRI Cluster such as SRI2MARKET, EasySRI, and SRI-ENACT

About LIFE projects

SRI2MARKET focuses on enhancing the knowledge and capabilities of six Member States (Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Portugal, and Spain) in relation to integrating SRI into their national regulations and markets. 

EasySRI aims to facilitate a seamless and adaptable web platform providing automated services for calculating the SRI. This platform aligns with the Final Report on the technical support for the development of the SRI, carried out under the authority of the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER). 

SRI-ENACT offers a comprehensive solution to support the adoption of the SRI across Europe. This is achieved by involving stakeholders in the collaborative creation of customised national SRI implementations and the development of the SRI-ENACT toolkit. 

  • housing
  • Thursday 7 March 2024, 09:00 - 17:45 (CET)
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Thursday 7 March 2024, 09:00 - 17:45 (CET)
Comet Meetings Louise Brussels
Avenue Louise, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Smart Readiness Indicator joint event