- Status
- Closed
- Reference
- EMFAF-2025-PIA-FisheriesScientificAdvice
- Publication date
- 14 November 2024
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 20 February 2025, 17:00 (CET)
The European Commission has launched a new call for proposals to improve scientific knowledge to strengthen the science-basis of management decisions under the Common Fisheries Policy. The call is funded under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Work programme 2024-2025 with a budget of EUR 2.6 million.
The call will support projects that aim to strengthen the scientific knowledge needed to support the design of science-based policies for fisheries conservation and management.
The actions can include (not limited to):
- the collection of samples or data in the field, and processing of samples that fall outside the scope of national data collection programmes,
- harmonisation or improved protocols,
- trials, meta-analysis, modelling, developing methodologies for stock evaluations,
- data validation or data preparation to feed into models,
- expanding current databases,
- link existing initiatives and develop networking activities between EU scientists and/or with the EU fishing industry.
The funded projects are expected to improve the knowledge available to the fisheries scientific communities in the European Union and at global level, which will in turn have a direct influence on improving the science base of the conservation and management measures designed in the context of the Common Fisheries Policy.
How to apply?
Applicants have to submit their proposal electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Submission System until 20 February 2025 at 17:00 (CET).
Info Day
CINEA organised an online Info Day on 22 November from 10:00 to 12:00 (Brussels time). Speakers from CINEA and DG MARE presented the call and application process, including tips and tricks on how to write a successful proposal.
The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) supports the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and of the Union's maritime policy along four priorities:
- Fostering sustainable fisheries and the conservation of marine biological resources;
- Contributing to food security in the Union through competitive and sustainable aquaculture and markets;
- Enabling the growth of a sustainable blue economy and fostering prosperous coastal communities;
- Strengthening international ocean governance and enabling safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed seas and oceans.
For the period 2021-2027, it has an overall budget of EUR 6.108 billion to promote a growth and job based recovery in Europe. The budget is divided between shared (e.g. managed by Member States) and direct management (managed by the European Commission, agencies and international organisations).
The majority of the EMFAF actions in direct management delegated to CINEA are targeted at supporting policy development by the European Commission and implemented by way of procurement (purchase of services) and grants (contribution to specific actions).
In 2024, CINEA has been celebrating the 10 years since the adoption of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Regulation. With this law, for the first time, the European Commission delegated the implementation of part of the fund to a European Executive Agency and new funding possibilities opened for beneficiaries. Follow #10yearsEMFaF on social media and get involved!