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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Project

WINBLUE: Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy

Women in the Blue Economy WINBLUE
© Georgii -

Women are still underrepresented in jobs linked to science, technology, engineering and mathematics; their contribution in the blue economy sector is often overlooked and undervalued.

The EU funded WINBLUE project tackles the issue of gender imbalance in blue careers. Started in May 2023 as a Women in the Blue Economy project supported by the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF), the project intends to facilitate women’s participation in operational and decision-making positions in five specific sectors:

  1. circular blue bioeconomy and biotechnology
  2. aquaculture and fisheries
  3. offshore renewable energy
  4. sustainable coastal tourism
  5. cutting edge enabling technology (AI, Robotics, ICT) for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems.

Planned activities and results

The project will run a data analysis on gender status and will launch five WINBLUE labs. Partners will also engage stakeholders from the public and private sector in the following activities:

  1. the co-design and implementation of gender equality plan models,
  2. design and validation of upskilling and coaching programmes for women,
  3. data collection to benchmark and monitor the evolution of gender inclusiveness in the blue economy,
  4. identification and assessment of highly replicable good practices.

WINBLUE already set up a Virtual Community Platform to promote knowledge sharing and amplify career opportunities and innovative ideas. Among their expected project results, they will:

  • Launch a WINBLUE Observatory, which will monitor women’s participation in the 5 sectors covered by the project;
  • Develop a training package to be shared with partners and stakeholders;
  • Map stakeholders and successful practices;
  • Develop a best practice information sheet and gender equality plans per sector;
  • Deliver a strategic agenda based on successful activities from WINBLUE labs and most important project’s results.  

WINBLUE works in cooperation with its sister project WIN-BIG, also stemmed from the Women in the Blue Economy Call.

More information

Check out their project website for more information. Register to their Newsletter or join their community to be part of the change and work towards a better gender balanced sustainable blue economy.




Consorcio Para El Diseño, Construcción, Equipamiento Y Explotación De La Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN) (Spain)


Asociación Nacional De Fabricantes De Conservas De Pescados Y Mariscos- Centro Técnico Nacional De Conservación De Productos De La Pesca (ANFACO) (Spain)
