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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


Regions to boost National Maritime Spatial Planning

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Regina-MSP project aims to enhance regional involvement in the development and execution of National Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), improve efficiency and coordination of public policies and create the grounds for potential legal and policy framework advancements.  The project targets the Atlantic and Mediterranean sea basins and brings together actors and expertise from both, including their regions, to foster cooperation and coherence at multiple levels (EU, national, local) in meeting the challenging marine and maritime policy objectives.  

Regions represent a pivotal point for merging European and National policies as they also address local specificities. However, the role of regions across EU in the implementation of MSP is quite diverse and sometimes overlapping. Regina-MSP project has the ambitious objective of addressing such complexity in a collaborative way and of strengthening coherence of plans across the EU. The project envisions a stronger connection between MSP and the European Green Deal and represents a promising step toward achieving more effective and environmentally sustainable maritime spatial planning in Europe.

Based on a bottom-up approach, REGINA-MSP project combines a broad European analysis with an in-depth examination of eight regional case studies across Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, and Greece, spanning two significant sea basins. Their research methodology employs the analysis of existing documents and literature, interviews with key stakeholders and participatory workshops with relevant actors. The project’s activities also include reviewing data needs for MSP at regional level and public awareness, facilitating a community of practice for knowledge exchange and training administrators directly involved in MSP implementation.

The expected outcome will include policy briefs summarising the background information gathered and facilitating its dissemination, and policy papers providing recommendations at three levels: case study regions, countries involved and the European Union. The project has also a dedicated work package on ocean literacy and effective stakeholders’ involvement strategies which adds to their commitment in building bridges between researchers, academics and practitioners at all levels.

Learn more about the project and its partners through the project website, subscribe to their newsletter and check the material available from their opening conference which includes interesting presentations. Should you wish to learn more about MSP, check the European MSP Platform.

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