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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

NEGEM: Carbon Dioxide Removal against the global warming effects

Discover the groundbreaking findings of the NEGEM project as it concludes its four-year journey, revealing the realistic potential of negative emission technologies and practices to achieve climate neutrality.

NEGEM project. Carbon Dioxide Removal against the global warming effects.

Despite global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the current trajectory suggests that additional measures are required to limit global warming to safe levels. This is where projects like NEGEM come into play, aiming to identify and evaluate the potential of negative emission technologies and practices (NETPs) to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as a supplementary measure to mitigate climate change.

The NEGEM project, EU-funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, has reached its conclusion in May 2024, marking a significant milestone in the quest for climate neutrality. The project has dedicated four years to identifying and evaluating the potential and effectiveness of NETPs. By employing a multidisciplinary approach, NEGEM has moved beyond the traditional climate physics and economics models to provide a real-world perspective on NETPs.

In a recent final event, NEGEM unveiled a series of comprehensive documents and outputs that encapsulate the extensive research and findings from the project as well as the activities of the sister projects LANDMARC and OceanNETs. The event summary, accessible here, highlights the collaborative efforts and key discussions that have shaped the project’s trajectory.

NEGEM project - final event. Room full.
© NEGEM - EU funded project

The project has meticulously assessed seven classes of NETPs, considering their technical, environmental, social, and commercial potentials and challenges. This holistic evaluation has been distilled into a science policy brief that summarises the results to date and delivers essential recommendations for EU climate policy. Updated factsheets on emission removal practices and technologies, which outline their potentials and provide policy recommendations, are available on the project’s website

A noteworthy outcome of the NEGEM project is the “Carbon Negative Handbook”, a comprehensive compilation of key findings. This handbook offers a detailed summary of the NEGEM project’s research and is poised to be an invaluable resource for policymakers and stakeholders.

As the world grapples with the pressing need for effective climate action, the insights from the NEGEM project are more relevant than ever. The project's findings underscore the importance of integrating a broad range of perspectives and key performance indicators to evaluate the potential of NETPs realistically. By addressing the technical, environmental, social, and commercial aspects, NEGEM provides a robust framework for understanding and harnessing the power of NETPs to achieve a climate-neutral future.

With the conclusion of the NEGEM project, the path to climate neutrality is clearer, bolstered by evidence-based research and practical recommendations that can guide future policy and action. Three other ongoing carbon dioxide removal projects funded under the Horizon Europe could build up on what NEGEM has done: SEAO2-CDR (ocean-related CDR techniques), C-SINK (mining-waste/biochar related CDR techniques), UPTAKE (general, broad scope in terms of CDR methods). Explore the comprehensive findings and recommendations from NEGEM and join the global effort to realise a sustainable and climate-neutral world.

For more information, please see the EU factsheet.