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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

LIFE GreenTank

Environmentally safe refurbishment of oil tanks

LIFE GreenTank. All rights reserved.
Licensed to the European Union under conditions.

The Green Tank project developed, technically proved and launched to the market a robotic system utilizing a patented induction heating technology for environmentally friendly removal of coatings in storage tanks. The solution is not only ecological but also possesses comparative advantage to conventional methods thanks to its two times greater rapidness.

The method cuts resource usage per m2 of treated coating compared to conventional methods: 60% saving of energy consumption and avoidance of 80% of waste. Coatings are removed in large strips, posing less or no harm to operators and resulting in very low to no pollution of the work site or of water. Furthermore, its compact parameters allow for massive savings on transport cost to the work site.

The solution was developed by three European SMEs headed by RPR TECHNOLOGIES AS. It is being sold as a standalone product to tank storage operators and contracting companies who offer refurbishment services.

Product available in a majority of EU countries.

21 DECEMBER 2023
LIFE GreenTank