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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Project


InteGrid’s vision was to bridge the gap between citizens, technology and the other players of the energy system.


The InteGrid vision was to bridge the gap between citizens and technology/ solution providers, expanding DSOs’ role as active market facilitators and distribution system optimizers, building customer centric energy services, bringing customers to the core of the energy transition as the most important stakeholders.

The project demonstrates how DSOs enable all stakeholders to actively participate in the energy market and distribution grid management and develops and implements new business models, making use of new data management and consumer involvement approaches. Moreover, the project demonstrates scalable and replicable solutions in an integrated environment that enables DSOs to plan and operate the network with a high share of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in a stable, secure and economic way, using flexibility inherently offered by the specific technologies and by interaction with different stakeholders.

The project demonstrated these approaches and concepts running twelve use cases in different pilot sites located in three European countries: Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden. It demonstrated a grid and market hub platform that promotes the active participation of different stakeholders in the energy market and grid operation. In particular, the platform is for flexibility exchange to support grid operation by grid users, consumption profiling for industrial consumers and residential energy resources sizing by third party providers. The demonstration activities yielded predominantly positive results, with an important main finding that the economic viability of smart grid solutions generally depend on various local or market-specific factors.

The project demonstrated also scalable and replicable solutions in an integrated environment that enable DSOs to plan and operate the network with a high share of distributed RES in a stable, secure and economic way. In particular, improvement of observability and controllability of medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) grids by DSOs and a multi-period optimal power flow tool were developed for MV grids and a rule-based scheme was demonstrated for LV grids for the predictive control of flexibility and grid technical constraints.




Rua Camilo Castelo Branco 43, 1050-044, Lisbon, Portugal