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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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ForestNavigator Project: Modelling Forest Pathways to Net-Zero

Under the lead of IIASA, the ForestNavigator project aims to amplify the role of forests in mitigating climate change. By modelling forest pathways to net-zero, this Horizon Europe project is promoting nature-based solutions against global warming.

ForestNavigator presence at IUFRO2024 with Andre Nakhavali, Andrey Lessa, Fulvio Di Fulvio
ForestNavigator presence at IUFRO2024 with Andre Nakhavali, Andrey Lessa, Fulvio Di Fulvio

Forests play a crucial part in climate change mitigation due to their ability to absorb greenhouse gas emissions. 44% of the EU territory is covered by forests, absorbing nearly 10% of emissions every year. Harnessing the potential of forests is a major anchor point of the EU Nature Restoration Law which entered into force in August 2024. Yet, the volume of carbon absorption has been reducing since the last decade as not only the demand for wood but also the frequency of natural disasters have been increasing. Especially wildfires are getting worse by the year and have a devastating impact on EU forests, potentially turning them into carbon emitters rather than absorbers.

Modelling a pathway to sustainable forests 

The ForestNavigator project integrates these issues in the modelling of sustainable forest pathways towards climate neutrality. These pathways will be available in the ForestNavigator Portal, a decision-making platform, providing a scientific basis for streamlined and rapid policymaking for climate action by collaborating with both modelers and decision-makers at EU and member state levels. ForestNavigator is boosting the sustainable green transition through nature-based solutions together with its sister projects, ForestPaths and PathFinder, which have similar but complementary scopes. 

The ForestNavigator consortium, comprising 24 partners from 14 countries, collaborates under a clear science-for-policy approach. As part of this effort, the project leverages the joint force of EU and Member State policymakers and modelers through the Forest Policy Modelling Forum to promote a common understanding of modelling needs for streamlined future forest policy. This common approach will help to bridge the gap between ex-ante model-based assessments of forests and the actual needs of policymakers.

We want to hear from you!

A first version of the Horizon Europe funded project’s core outcome will be showcased through the beta version of the ForestNavigator Portal in 2025, which will include a Forest Data Explorer and a Pathways Explorer.

As the aim is to tailor the ForestNavigator Portal to the needs of its future users, your input would be greatly appreciated!

You are working in a related field and could use such a tool? Then click here to participate in the survey and contribute to shaping the ForestNavigator Portal!

For more information, please see the EU factsheet.